Small Purchases Make Big Differences.
It is April 2020 and we are in a global pandemic, nation-wide lockdowns, and an unprecedented economic disaster that has impacted almost everyone across the globe. This article is designed to stand the “Test of time” for future economic crises even though the development of the article took place during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Here in the United States, an unprecedented number of Americans are filing for unemployment, families without paychecks are struggling to make ends meet, and many are wondering when they will start to see a light at the end of this tunnel. The economic impact is devastating and defies quantification. How does one measure or define the level of economic suffering when entire cites, states, and countries implement lock down and stay-at-home modes, which end up lasting for weeks, if not months? There is no question that what we are experiencing is unprecedented, tragic and devastating beyond words. But there is a light at the end of this tunnel, and my plea to you is that we work together to make that light shine.
Earlier on in this pandemic, I got to know of a woman who creates and sells portraits of cats. She started this business because her husband, who is a wedding photographer, has been out of work during the pandemic, and her family had no other way to support themselves. Through the power of Instagram, and word of mouth, p.e.a.c.h_cat has been able to start a small business of creating personalized portraits of your cat or pet by hand, which are incredibly amazing and will brighten any pet lover’s day.
I admire the strength of folks like p.e.a.c.h_cat, who picked herself up from the ground, and is doing the best she can to turn on a small light at the end of a very dark tunnel. I am one of the fortunate ones who has not lost my job during this pandemic, and for those of you who are fortunate like me, I implore you to go out and support small businesses, support individuals like p.e.a.c.h_cat because every small purchase makes a big difference. For all you pet owners out there, I don’t know what is stopping you, or stopping anyone from finding a small business and supporting them in this time of need.
We all rise by lifting others, now more than ever. Please support small businesses. When you buy from a small business like p.e.a.c.h_cat, you are helping someone put food on their table, feed their young children, and keep their heat from being turned off during cold winter nights. Spending money with a small business puts money directy in their hands. Giving to one of the charities is helpful as well, but nobody will see that money for months. Not only have I been ordering portraits from p.e.a.c.h_cat, but I have also travelled to Boston and ordered in home care services for Beaker! This includes a team member that sleeps in my home to care for Beaker! while I am away. The people that care for pets are hurting as well since people are home and not on travel. If you have a pet sitter, continue to use them as much as you can as well. I’d rather spend my money on supporting small business, instead of helping a CEO buy his 5th luxury vacation home while his employees work 3 jobs to barely make enough money to pay rent.
If you read this article, thank you. For the first 5 people that contact me, I will pay for one portrait of your pet from p.e.a.c.h_cat. Please contact me here on Medium JJ Donovan